Aluminium Profiles
Aluminium Profiles
Slot profile accessories
Slot profile accessories
Laser cut plates, Semi finished products, Tube systems, Cable conduit
Laser cut plates, Semi finished products, Tube systems, Cable conduit
Mechanical Basics
Mechanical Basics
Dynamic M
Dynamic M
Dynamic E
Dynamic E
Dynamic T
Dynamic T
Dynamic PN
Dynamic PN
Workshop supplies Consumables
Workshop supplies Consumables
DIY - Kits Accesories/Sim Racing
DIY - Kits Accesories/Sim Racing


Postal address:

Motedis GmbH
Stöckerweg 122
66806 Ensdorf

Registered office of the company in the commercial register:

Motedis GmbH
Stöckerweg 122
66806 Ensdorf



Managing Director: Jörn Schwarz

Register court: District court Saarbrücken
Registration number: HRB 100318
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law: DE 283357922

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Motedis GmbH thanks you for visiting this website and for your interest in our products. This website was compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, Motedis GmbH cannot guarantee that the information it contains is free of errors and accurate. Motedis GmbH expressly excludes any liability for damages that arise directly or indirectly from the use of this website.
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